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Privacy and Policy

Your privacy is our concern. We are committed to protect privacy of registered members and visitors who use or visit Body Plus. The purpose of such privacy is to explain the manner, according to which we use your information, including personal information we obtain from you, and during your use of Body Plus. We would like to assure you that we keep such details; in order to allow us to fulfill your purchase orders, and to secure any potential demands that may arise later to provide you with the available services. We take all steps reasonably necessary to protect your personal information against unauthorized access, use, disclosure or destruction. We will disclose your personal information as reasonably necessary to satisfy your request or to fulfill your purchase order, including, but not limited to, providing your address to a shipping or delivery company, sending your information to a banking institution and / or to an electronic payment gateway service provider affiliated to us to obtain approval thereof for your transaction. 

Body Plus is also committed not to use your personal information for any other purposes, such as advertising and marketing, without obtaining your prior express consent.

. You can also access and review your personal information in the “My Account” section on the Body Plus website. In case of change to your personal information in any manner or is incorrectly displayed on Body Plus, you shall immediately update or correct your personal information by access to "My Account" section on Body Plus. Please note that we shall keep your personal information during and after your use of the Body Plus website as may be necessary to comply with provisions of the law as well as to the technical requirements in order to discover and fix errors, to prevent fraud and to assist in any other procedures authorized by the law, and we do not guarantee nor accept any responsibility for the information that you send to us. To the extent that IP addresses are considered personal information, you agree that your use of Body Plus may include the automatic transmission of your IP address through cookies or other similar technical means.


New and emerging technologies on the Internet help us make the visitor experience in line with their preferences. Body Plus may use such new technologies, including cookies or other technologies, to remember your information when using Body Plus. We may use such technologies to track activity on Body Plus, prepare reports, evaluate trends, and monitor the way Body Plus is used. By agreeing to the Body Plus terms of use and this privacy policy, you confirm your agreement to Body Plus's use of cookies and other such technologies, for such purposes. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can change your internet browser settings to erase all cookies from your device and block all cookies or to receive a warning before a cookie is stored.

Account Deletion

From the application/website, the user can have the facility to delete the account at any time.

To delete the account, follow the below steps:

1) Go to the profile screen

2) Click on “Delete Account”

3) The confirmation popup will be displayed. Once the user provides the confirmation, the account will be deleted.

Please note we delete all your data including your name, pics, address, email, your ID, settings and content you post on the app.


We will keep your Personal Data for as long as you use the App. To request deletion of your account, please go to User profile -> Settings -> Delete Account. Once deleted, all data is lost immediately and is not recoverable.

Please note that the Services covered by this Privacy Policy may offer content (e.g., contests, sweepstakes, promotions, games, applications, or social network integrations) that is sponsored by or co-branded with identified third parties. By virtue of these relationships, the third parties may obtain information from their visitors. We have no control over these third parties' use of this information, which is subject to their own privacy policies.